What is SorareMega?


SorareMega is a Sorare sidegame where you use your roster (your card panel) to enter the different leagues offered.

Login to SorareMega

To make your first steps as a coach on SorareMega, you will first have to authenticate yourself.

To do so, you will have to log in using your Sorare credentials. Indeed, as said before, this platform uses the cards you have on Sorare. It is therefore necessary that the link is made between the two so that you can participate.

Make sure that the URL is SorareMega’s and enter your login details.

What are the different leagues on SorareMega?

On SorareMega, you can choose between several leagues:

  • Mega 3 : you choose 3 players from your roster whatever their position, the goal is to have the highest cumulative score
  • Mega 5: you choose 5 players, and all positions must be included
  • Mega 8: same principle with 8 players to choose from
  • Mega 11: same as above except that this time you choose 11 players
  • Score Dice: this is a small score prediction game. SorareMega chooses a score at random, and you will have to select the player from your roster who will have the most chances to wait for this score

Note that the players you use in your Mega 3 are no longer available to participate in the other leagues, and vice versa. In order to participate in all of them, you will need to have a wide range of players at your disposal.

The subtleties of the Mega leagues on SorareMega

The Mega 5, 8 and 11 leagues allow you to choose your player setup (4-4-2, 4-5-1, etc.). However, you will have to accumulate experience points before you can unlock all the devices.

At each Game Week, the platform chooses an opponent for you, who is another Sorare coach. If your players’ score is higher than the other coach’s, you earn 100 points. If it is the opposite, you get 10 points.

The accumulation of these points allows you to reach experience levels, which will unlock devices or other rewards.

Indeed, beyond obtaining new tactical schemes, you can also receive cards that will boost the performance of your players. These cards are classified by scarcity, and are more or less interesting to use depending on the type of players you have.

Please note that these cards can only be used once, so you will have to choose carefully when to use them and which players to boost.

What are the rewards on SorareMega?

The rewards on SorareMega are only available to the very first players in the rankings. If you finish first in a Mega 3, 5, 8 or 11, you will receive a Rare card on your Sorare account. If you finish between position 2 and 11, you will receive a Limited card.

Since all managers can participate in these tournaments, it is very difficult to reach the first places. The first place finishers are often managers with very strong cards, which are themselves boosted by booster cards.

It’s up to you whether you want to put your best players in the Mega 3 (where more managers participate) or in a Mega 8 or 11, which have fewer managers, but where you have to be sure to have enough good and starting players.