How to know the number of players on Sorare?

Number of players on Sorare

Would you like to see how the number of players on Sorare is evolving? It’s possible! To do so, you just have to use the SorareData tool.

Here’s how to easily follow the number of active players on Sorare.

What is the number of active players on Sorare?

To find out :

1. Log in to SorareData

The first step is simply to login to SorareData.

2. Go to Market > Charts

Then click on the category “Market” and then on the subcategory “Charts”. This gives you access to several charts.

SorareData Charts

3. Look at the chart “Owners of at least N blockchain cards”

The chart that interests us is the “Owners of at least N blockchain cards” one. This represents the number of Sorare managers who own at least one Limited card.

Active players on Sorare

At the end of 2021, this number was 75,000, and it increased to about 200,000 at the end of 2022.

However, these values do not include managers who only play with Common cards. If this were the case, the number would be even higher.